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Jiangsu Liado Power Plant Introduction

Reading volume:88 Release time:2024-05-13 14:46:23

The real introduction of our factory

1,Equipment and process:

Injection molding machine: We have 5-6 advanced injection molding equipment, including injection molding machines of various tonnages, which can meet the needs of products of different sizes and shapes.

Molds: We are equipped with dozens of high-quality injection molds, which can accurately manufacture the products required by customers. With skilled customization and OEM service level

Raw material handling system: Our workshop is equipped with an automatic raw material handling system to ensure the accurate feeding and mixing of raw materials and stable product quality. Raw materials are all from world-class suppliers

Production process:

Raw material preparation: Workers put the required plastic particles into the raw material handling system according to the production plan.

Injection molding: After heating and pressure injection into the mold, the plastic material is processed into the shape of the product.

Cooling and curing: The product is cooled and cured in the mold and taken out after molding.

Quality inspection: After strict quality inspection, ensure that the product meets the requirements and standards of customers.

Safety and environment:

We attach importance to safe production and strictly implement relevant rules and regulations to ensure the safety of employees.

The injection molding workshop is equipped with ventilation equipment and exhaust gas treatment system to ensure a clean production environment



2,Assembly workshop

The assembly workshop is the key link to assemble various parts into the final product. The following is an introduction to the general assembly workshop:

Assembly process:

Parts preparation: Take out the required parts from the warehouse, clean and inspect them.

Assembly process: According to the assembly drawings and process flow of the product, the various parts are gradually assembled into finished products.

Testing and debugging: After the assembly is completed, the product function is tested and debugged to ensure that the product performance meets the standard requirements.

Equipment and tools:

Assembly line: We use a combination of automated assembly lines and manual assembly stations to improve production efficiency and flexibility.

Tools and equipment: Equipped with various special tools and testing equipment to ensure the smooth progress of the assembly process.

Quality control:

We have established a strict quality control system, including self-inspection, mutual inspection and special inspection during the assembly process to ensure stable and reliable product quality.



The warehouse is an important support department of the factory, responsible for the storage management of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. The following is an introduction to general warehouses:

Storage management:

Zoning management: According to the characteristics and frequency of use of materials, the warehouse is zoned to improve storage and access efficiency.

Warehouse management: Strictly implement the warehouse registration and quality inspection procedures to ensure the quality and quantity of incoming materials are accurate.

Outbound distribution: According to the production plan and order requirements, timely arrange the outbound and distribution of materials to ensure production progress and customer needs.

Inventory control:

Regular inventory: Regularly conduct inventory counts, timely discover and deal with inventory anomalies, and ensure the accuracy of inventory data.

Inventory optimization: According to market demand and supply conditions, reasonably adjust inventory levels to avoid inventory backlogs and excessive retention.

Safety management:

We strictly implement the warehouse safety management system to ensure the safety of warehouse facilities and stored materials.

Equipped with fire-fighting equipment and security alarm systems to respond to emergencies and ensure the safety of employees and property


The above photos and descriptions are all true. The first principle of our factory is honesty. We will not deceive or fool customers, and let customers buy truly high-quality and low-priced products.Customers in the energy storage industry are always welcome to visit our factory

Thank you

Company: Jiangsu LIADOO POWER Co., Ltd.

Contact: JIN WANG

Tel: +861520288672

Address: No. 3 Lianfenggang East Road, Sanmao Street, Yangzhong City, Jiangsu Province


Contact Us

Contact: Liadoo

Phone: 0511-88398466

Tel: 13913816638


Add: No. 68, Hongxiang Road, Sanmao Street, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China